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     Christian Lighthouse Church was founded in 2010 by believers who decided to answer God 's call, our Pastor, who after two years of waiting on the Lord, and  after much prayer, God revealed a need for ministry in the town of Mount Airy, MD.
 Believing God Christian Lighthouse Church was formed.


Our ministry is based on the foundation of God The Father, God Son, and God The Holy Spirit. 
We have been blessed with a worship team, Youth ministry, Kids ministry, and Drama ministry.

     Our English/Spanish services have helped us reach out to all people. It has also has been a great advantage to our young audience in enhancing a second language and specially in helping them reach a relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.

 Our mission is to carry out God's Word, to spread the Gospel of salvation to a needy world.

Like the Apostle Paul said
 " But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to my self, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of grace of God."
Acts 20:24 


Christian Lighthouse Church​

Pastor Martinez grew up in the U.S. as a Christian living out the Christian faith. Pastor Martinez served many tours as an active duty soldier in the United States Army in the field of medicine as an Army medic specializing in Surgery.


 He enlisted in the Army seeking a medical Degree While pursuing his career in the field of medicine where he received his call to Pastor in 2008.
He obeyed God’s call over his life and planted CLC in 2010. He then enrolled in Bible college graduating from Bible College in 2013.

He now serves as the Senior Pastor of Christian Lighthouse Church.
Pastor Martinez has a passion for teaching God’s Word, spiritual growth, and focuses strongly on family values.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Martinez continues to thrive for wisdom, growth, and knowledge of the Word of God.
He has been blessed with a beautiful family, four talented children Javier, Daniel, Tatiana, and Kaylie who are all guided and held together by grace through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.



Pastor Martinez, Nelson

Pastor Nelson Martinez​

About Our Pastor

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